- 'Bionic Reading' toggle added in Reader View for a more focussed experience!
- Notification Center added when logged in; easily view important updates and important announcements from one location.
- Setting a Deck color will now be inherited by stack and link panel containers.
- Design and Layout tweaks for image preview when logged-in for improved visual experience.
- Fixed an issue where the user would be logged out shortly after logging in.
- Fixed an issue where exploding a stack would cause multiple alerts to appear.
- Fixed an issue where the toolbar in Reader View would not remain in view when scrolling longer articles.
The PasteDeck Browser Extension is here! 🎉 Save anything on the Web with a single click directy from your Web Browser! Visit the Browswer Extension page for more details.
- Save to PasteDeck Browser Extension now available for Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Brave. Learn more
- Enable Browser Extension shortcut added to User Settings.
- Fixed an issue where PasteDeck would not render on mobile devices in landscape view.
- Updated link engine to handle 'tweets' pasted from x.com
- Link engine has been retrained to priortize speed. Linking is now approx 25% faster.
- Link engine 'deep dive' algorithm for difficult to reach URLs has been temporarily disabled while we analyse collected data.
- Placeholder graphic will be generated when no thumbnail is available.
- Design tweaks to live view for improved visual readability.
- Set a custom background color for each Deck.
- Preview design tweaks for better formatting and readability on mobile devices.
- Link card size tweaks for better content fitting on mobile devices.
This release features a significant update to the PasteDeck link engine which can now deploy an experimental 'deep dive' scraping algorithm for misconfigured/hard-to-reach URLs.
- Link engine will use machine-learning to evaluate first-pass data (thumbnail, title etc) and grade it for suitability.
- If the data is missing or graded as substandard, the link engine will search for alternative, more suitable data, resulting in fewer link cards with missing thumbnails/data etc.
- For URLs which are difficult to reach (misconfigured servers, cookie requirements, malformed HTML/Javascript etc) the link engine will deploy an experimental algorithm to find and assign data.
- Link engine has been re-trained for Amazon product links which now return the correct product image.
- Link engine will now attempt to fix malformed meta tags and image URLs.
- Link engine will now correctly assign product image for Amazon URLs
- Link engine will now try to locate a suitable thumbnail when no image tag has been specified by host URL (beta)
- Fixed an issue where incorrect PasteDeck Plus subscription details were displayed.
- Live view added to link preview when logged into PasteDeck account.
- Preview panel has been widended and reader mode font size increased for more comfortable viewing.
- Share individual links on social media and email using the new 'Share Link' option added to the link card context menu.
- PasteBot improvements for cleaner, more readable text when extracting article copy.
- Link engine improvements to reject erroneous and malformed meta data.
- Link card design and spacing tweaks to improve readability.
- Backend updates for upcoming features.
- Fixed an issue where link cards could not be deleted/mnoved on mobile devices.
- Link card menu design tweaks for better user experience on mobile devices.
- Link card menus now scale with card size.
- Backend updates to improve foreign character compatability.
- Updates to Account Login: Registered users can now login with their username or registered email address.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Card drag-and-drop functionality enabled for creating Stacks on mobile and touch devices. Learn more.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Minor bug fixes and backend optimisations.
- Help Center is now available at pastedeck.com/support - featuring faqs and tips on getting started and using PasteDeck.
- Demo PasteDeck account added at pastedeck.com/demo.
- Incognito (Private) mode updated to include "Backdoor" access option. When enabled, direct link access to your Decks are still available even in Incognito mode.
- Minor UI tweaks to improve user experience on mobile devices.
- Link card design tweaks to improve readability.
- Fixed an issue where warning dialogs appeared behind existing content.
- Explore recently added links at pastedeck.com/explore.
- Added "Verified Sources" toggle when exploring recently added links: When checked, only verified news sources will be shown.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
This is the first major public release of PasteDeck. Features an all-new visual refresh which incorporates a standarised and modern design language to make it a simple, intuitive and seamless experience across all devices:
- All new UI and UX experience.
- Re-written link scraping engine (upto 2.5x faster).
- Improved content extraction engine (aka PasteBot) upto 4x more accurate.
- Introduced "Decks": A single account can now contain multiple Decks to better organise links and content.
- Introduced "Stacks": Links can now be grouped together to create a Stack (previously "Folders"). Create multiple Stacks within Decks.
- Individual Deck privacy settings.
- Link card size preferences (Small, Standard and Large).
- All-new Dark mode.
- All-new Search and Filter.
- Linking Social Media posts (Twitter, Instagram, TikTok etc) now creates a "live" link card.
- Linking Images now includes image and color palette information.
- Improved link thumbnail generation.
- Multiple bug fixes and improvements.